Things To Consider When Adding A Pole Barn Or Garage To Your Existing Property

13 April 2022
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog


When you consider adding a free-standing garage or pole barn to your property, working with detached garage builders specializing in these structures is often a good idea. Some builders will put the entire structure together on the property, while others will prefabricate the parts and assemble them onsite. The method you use is often a preference, but it can also affect the price of the structure being built. 

Free Standing Garages

Sometimes, you might prefer to have your garage detached from the home. Detached garage builders can set your garage up on the property and, in most cases, tailor the location and build to your needs. If you are building a shop or workspace in the garage and you do not want the noise in your home, you may need to look at where on the property you can put a detached garage that limits noise in the house and still allows you easy access to the shop. 

The first thing you need to do is determine how you will use the garage, how large it needs to be, and where you would like to put it. Once you have these items figured out, working with detached garage builders that offer design and planning for the structure can help speed up the process. 

A prefabricated building is also a good option if you want to put the garage up quickly. Prefab garages often come in several styles and sizes, so you can choose the one you like, and the builder will put the pieces together in their shop, then truck the parts to your property and assemble the garage over several days. 

Preparing Your Site

Before the detached garage builders can get started, you need to ensure the lot is ready for them. If an area needs to be cleared and leveled, you will need to hire a contractor that can cut trees, remove boulders, level the ground then pour a concrete pad that meets the requirements for the garage.

Some detached garage contractors will do all the prep work on the site for you and then build the structure, while others will not. Working with a builder who can handle the entire job, start to finish, speeds up the process because there is no waiting on other contractors to come and get work completed before the building begins.

Special Features

When talking with detached garage builders about the different designs and operations available, be sure to ask about any particular features you want in your garage. If you need some office space or a loft area in the garage, it should be part of the plan to incorporate correctly. 

Working out the details of any additional features or areas you want in your garage should happen during the structure's design, not as an afterthought once the building is already in place. 

For more information, contact a company like Affordable Pole Barns.